Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Renault Ez-Pro For Urban Distribution Of The Future

In a Blue Planet where rapid urbanization way that to a greater extent than than 60% or 70% of the population, depending on the area, volition alive inward the cities past times 2030, moving people are non the alone draw of piece of job to live rethought. 

A novel era besides begins amongst the carry of goods: speed, flexibility together with reliability are the fundamental words of novel consumer requirements at a fourth dimension when in that place is besides a rapid increase inward online shopping. This is accompanied past times e'er faster together with to a greater extent than accurate delivery times amongst e'er to a greater extent than stringent regulatory constraints inward metropolis centers.

Renault belief is to supply sustainable mobility for everyone, today together with inward the future. To create this, yous commit to offering mobility solutions that run across the needs of many remaining faithful to their DNA. Tomorrow's mobility volition live electric, connected, autonomous together with shared. This of course of teaching includes the delivery of goods, together with inward item the so-called "last mile".

Renault vision for the hereafter of final mile distribution is based on its 120-year sense inward the plain of utility vehicles together with its passion for excogitation inward social club to facilitate the lives of its customers. Powered past times its DNA, which puts people at the pump of its vehicle design. It besides relies on opening upward to partners amongst whom it plant inward an opened upward excogitation approach that allows i footstep farther to explore novel horizons.


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Renault Ez-Pro For Urban Distribution Of The Future
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