Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Formula E : Nissan Is Participating Inwards The Part Of E.Dams

Nissan Formula E

Nissan wishing to back upwardly its electrical hereafter inward production cars enters Formula E, a entitle involving purely electrical cars amongst rich competition, a lot of sight together with swell changes during the race.

E.dams, headquartered inward Le Mans, France, together with co-founder of Team Director Jean-Paul Driot, is a follow-up to DAMS, which has been a leading fellow member of motor sport for to a greater extent than than thirty years.

Roel de Vries, vice president of Nissan together with caput of marketing together with build strategy at a global level, said:
" It makes sense for Nissan to function amongst e.dams to gain cognition together with sense of the victories together with championships he has won. Competition inward Formula eastward volition larn fifty-fifty to a greater extent than intense inward the 5th season, amongst a arrive at of novel cars together with engines. To strengthen this relationship, Nissan has right away bought a portion stake inward the squad together with nosotros are thrilled to last working amongst Jean-Paul together with his associates"

Driot, amid others added:
" With Nissan nosotros await frontwards to the novel challenges. We are real proud of our history inward Formula eastward together with nosotros are looking frontwards to adding novel pages to our race history books, our novel partner together with the novel car "

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Formula E : Nissan Is Participating Inwards The Part Of E.Dams
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