Thursday, October 4, 2018

Greece: Trikala Plans A Permanent Jitney Trouble Without A Driver

The adjacent footstep inwards automated driving is to implement the Trikala Municipality, equally role of the AVINT project, from GSRT "research-innovate" cycle, which deals alongside unmanned buses. 

In particular, it is planned to install a carry business supported past times automatic buses, fully integrated into the urban fabric, which volition serve the daily needs of the city. As reported past times the Municipality of Trikala inwards a relevant announcement, having studied the traffic network of the metropolis as well as assessing the carry needs, a carry business supported past times automatic buses, fully integrated into the urban fabric, volition last installed. 

The noticeable departure is that this business volition serve the daily needs of the city, allowing easy, secure as well as frequent interconnection of the metropolis centre alongside the Department of Physical Education as well as Sports Science (TEFAA) as well as the long-distance KTEL of Trikala.

In guild to arrive at this goal, the necessary steps volition last taken to install the business (feasibility study, implementation study, infrastructure adaptation, rental of buses) as well as volition last followed past times the six-month airplane pilot test. 

The results of this exam volition last analyzed both inwards damage of the behave upon on Trikala and, inwards a higher house all, on the possibility of expanding the projection on a larger scale inwards this as well as other Greek cities. The emergence of automated driving (AO) is a huge modify inwards the route carry sector, which volition cause got a real positive behave upon on traffic security as well as traffic efficiency issues, it was besides pointed out at the same meeting.

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Greece: Trikala Plans A Permanent Jitney Trouble Without A Driver
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